
Is Legal Design Thinking Indispensable to Legal Fraternity?

Is Legal Design Thinking Indispensable to Legal Fraternity?

Technological invention and innovations are outreaching the each and every sphere of our lives.  Use of tech aids and tech tools in realm of legal services is not novel but larger potential is yet tap. Legal professional’s propensity of risk free perspective makes slow absorption and adoption of invention and innovation. Does this approach needs change or not is debatable?

Let’s explore what is design thinking? it means systematic approach to solve problem in an inventive or innovative way. In other terms creative solutions for problem is design thinking which ultimately helps in effective, swept and economically viable.


Why design thinking is required? design thinking helps to uncover suitable, viable, swift and cost effective solutions. Use of design thinking proved to be effective and many industries are using it. But in the legal sphere, use and adoption of design thinking is not predominant due to many fold reasons and crucial among them, it is experimental and requires taking risk.


Is legal design thinking indispensable for legal fraternity? answer to this question is again debatable and open to discussion. However, it is notable that legal design thinking is two edge sword which can be boon or bane depending upon its process and design to the legal services.


Aptly crafted design and processes way the pay to solve the problems and on the other hand improperly designed frustrate the purpose and makes the whole servicing experience cumbersome. However, pros of aptly designed processes adoption are enormous which not only helpful to legal professional but also to the client and ultimately for the well-being of society.


  • legal design thinking helps better serving the client by creation of client centric solutions.
  • legal design thinking boosts newer ways of serving the client and helps in better client experience.
  • legal design thinking helps in saving the time of legal professions by making work manageable.
  • legal design thinking helps in effective and cost effective resolutions
  • legal design thinking helps in internal process improvements and diffuse effective processes.
  • legal design thinking helps in quality check and quality assurance of resolutions.


Overall health check of legal services and legal operations can be enhanced with aid of legal design thinking and adoption of this requires multi-disciplinary, on ongoing, experimental and collaborative approach by lawyers, clients with involvement of technical partners.

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* Write up by Team Purple Pursuits, for more details you can reach to us [email protected]

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