
DYI Under Legal Regime

DYI Under Legal Regime

Legal tech is rapidly growing and its sub sects like legal process automation and Do it yourself law (DYI) is slowly gaining momentum. DYI use and efficacy in law is debatable. Legal professionals are divided in this DYI regime some are in favour and other against the use of it. But in spite of all these the fact is DYI is slowly getting ground.



I) Why DYI in Law?

DYI, as the name suggests it is “DO It Yourself” in lieu of legal help under legal regime. Due to the high fees / hefty legal expenses people may not be position to afford legal help. Ease and swiftness of DYI are always lucrative and boosts the usage of DYI by common man. Alternately when the matter or problem is relatively simple or straight or small people prefer to go for DYI. So, it can be said the ease, swiftness, convince and cost effectiveness are traits of DYI but it also comes with its fair share of drawbacks and repercussions.

II) Why Hire a Lawyer When DYI in Law?

Efficacy of DYI is not as simple as it looks for wide range of legal matters and legal issues. Even though fees or expenses of the DYI in law is usually less in comparison with the taking the legal professional help. Its risky affair to doing yourself unless you have basic understanding of law and knowing how your DYI act or actions going to impact your overall rights available under legal regime. In absence of knowing basic tenant of law using DYI in law is risky better to be avoided as you may lose right or impair your rights.


Before acting upon/ using DYI it’s must know the basic law and legal options and remedies available under law to your concern or legal matter or legal document. If don’t know the law then better to learn and educate yourself on the basic and substantive law surrounding legal matter/ issue.


It is pertaining to enter the data in the DYI with knowledge is crucial and essential otherwise you may pose yourself to more risk than avoiding or resolving the problem. Even DYI may lead to lose your rights due your sheer ignorance.


DYI is inviting to user as just click away but intimating and risky when wrongly used.  Each problem will be unique requires understanding the intricacies for effective legal remedy. Professional legal help can’t be completely ruled out.


If one can’t afford the legal fees then they can seek professional legal help wherever they are not clear or get stuck.  For instance, before using the DYI when unsure about it take legal consultation or legal opinion to know the legal options and remedies. Another instance can be getting the legal petition drafted by Legal professional to file case and then you can appear on by yourself.


III) Inference

Professional legal help in spite of use of DYI is need and required for effective legal remedy or else invest the time and effort to learn the law before you use the DYI in law. Learning the law for each and every use DYI may not feasible. Where not possible to learn the law take legal professional help.


DYI processes and DYI tools in law better to be built with help of expert legal professionals by providing all the required options to be chosen by the user. Accordingly, being cautious while using DYI and taking legal professional help as and when needed is elementary in DYI law.


DYI in law is shield or sword based on usage with or without knowledge and understanding of law, rights and remedies. Use DYI in law when the matter or problem is relatively simpler and straight with minimal stake or otherwise you know the basic or learnt the law prior use.


DYI in law couple with legal professional help supports the affordable and reachable legal services and effective legal remedies in the society. DYI in law and legal help are interconnected and dissecting one from the other is risky which needs to be avoided. When to take legal help and when to use DYI in law needs informed decisions.

Disclaimer: The information provided under this website is solely available for informational purposes only, should not be interpreted as soliciting or advertisement. We are not liable for any consequence of any action taken by the user relying on material / information provided under this website. It’s not legal opinion in cases you have any legal issues then in all those cases you must seek independent legal advice.

* Write up by Team Purple Pursuits, for more details you can reach to us [email protected]

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