
Common IP Misconceptions: Hamper Businesses

Common IP Misconceptions: Hamper Businesses

Many entrepreneurs believe their organisation do not have anything worth protecting. Its biggest myth about intellectual property rights (IP) which needs to be changed. All companies have some IP worth identifying.


IP is only for technology companies and large corporations its pure misconception. IP is created or existed in all type and size of businesses even smallest business who is creative and innovative because of their better and smarter ways of doing things owns the different forms of IPs.


Equating patent with IP, it’s solely due to sheer lack of knowledge about IP and please be aware that patent is one type of IP.

Registration of IP is the end of the matter, is also common mistake many do.  One needs to check the validity and renew the IP registrations upon expiry.  If you fail to renew your IP then others can easily utilise your IP without infringement.


A patent protects an invention worldwide,it is not true and nothing exists which automatically protects patent worldwide. You need to register the patent wherever you want to protect your invention or innovation.


No Software Patenting,its misconception any software that fulfils the patent-ability criteria of invention is patent-able. For embedded software.


Free to use anything available on the internet, for example if there’s no copyright symbol, anyone can use it. Which is again misconception with or without use of copyright protection is available.


First to invest protects patent, pause kindly note it is always first to file gets patent protection for invention.


IP created by employees & contractors automatically vests with business, its myth business needs to sign contract explicitly detailing terms with the IP ownership to the business & not to the employee or contractor.


Trademarks protect only words or logos, it false anything that distinguishes your business from others and helps consumers in identifying your business can be protected like smell, sound and so on.


Copyright registration is compulsorily, it is also misconception copyright is an automatic right and automatically vests with the owner the moment it is created. Registration of copyright is optional.


TM symbol means that a trademark has been registered, it is wrong only the ® symbol indicates that a trademark has been formally registered.


Unregistered trademark is free to use by anybody, is wrong assumption if its someone’s trademark and that person/ trader has rights under common law may sue for passing off.

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* Write up by Team Purple Pursuits, for more details you can reach to us [email protected]

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