
Are Chatbots Regulated in India?

Are Chatbots Regulated in India?

I) Introduction:Artificial intelligence (AI) is one new & emerging technology which has already disrupted many sectors and disruption is ongoing in the fields like law, education and finance. Plus, AI has large potential to disrupt the future.

AI wave is sweeping by way for novel, advanced, and prominent innovations in different fields, industries and various walks of the life ranging from chatbot to predictive software. Thereby AI is challenging & disrupting the prevailing as well primitive practices and processes.


II) Chatbots:Chatbots are no more foreign and we all get to use them often; Siri & Alexa are the popular illustrations. Chatbot is an AI software that can simulate a human conversation/ communication through voice or text with a user via websites, mobile apps or through the telephone. In simple terms automation of chats via use of AI technology is chatbot.

Uses and benefits of chatbot in day today life are many whether you are into business or you are consumer who uses the chatbots. Hence uses of chatbots needs no explanation and gradually these chatbots evolving as an elementary to all the businesses in one or other form.

III) Challenges & Issues Surrounding Chatbots: AI provides enormous benefits to the mankind but the flipside of it is these technologies also comes fair share of challenges & risks. Irrespective of type of AI technology implications are various and sometimes serious & adverse.

Best and obvious example could be evasion of privacy and most of the AI technologies evade the privacy in one or other forms. Chatbots usually either follow a scripted text or through machine learning and increased interaction deviate from the standard questions to provide a more human-like interaction. As machine learning chatbot does not work as per a scripted text and has potential scope to collect sensitive personal information. Then regulation of these chatbot which collects sensitive personal information is must.


IV) Need for Regulations of AI & Chatbots:Regulations are need of hour to avoid the abuse of AI technologies. AI works by gathering the large amount of data the moment it is data it should be regulated including chatbot. How chatbot to acquire the data and use the data needs to be regulated. Chatbot use causes many times a threat to privacy.

Ultimately for betterment of the society and to reduce the risks posed these new and emerging technologies regulation is must.  To protect citizens, promote competition, and/or internalize externalities regulations are imperative. But, the rapidly & constantly changing nature of these new and emerging technologies coupled with complex and disruptive aspects makes it difficult to regulate these new and emerging technologies including the chatbots.


V) Indian Laws on AI & Chatbot:Currently no specific legislation in India which governs AI thereby India is yet to complete regulation of AI in India. However, Information Technology Act, 2000 and Information Technology (Reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or information) Rules, 2011 are the prevailing laws with regard to AI & chatbots. Plus, Personal Data Protection Bill 2019 is proposed by Govt of India to address the concerns of data privacy so it is awaited how this proposed law addresses the concerns of AI and chatbots regulations in India

Need of hour is special legislation in India to address AI concerns, challenges and risks and law in this regard needs to proactive and dynamic considering the evolving nature of the AI technologies.


VI) Takeaway & Suggestions: Inventions and innovations are for betterment of society and gives better opportunities but comes with fair share of challenges and risks unless regulated. Most of the time these technologies are faster than the regulating laws so it is difficult to regulate even though regulating is need.

Automation is everywhere including informal conversations in form of chatbots so information security, data safety and  data security  are major challenges to be regulated and addressed. In this data driven and automation era designing a regulatory framework that ensures the safety of users and the public along with facilitating the commercial use, user friendly and consumer enjoyment of disruptive innovation & technologies is by no means easy.

Where technologies are faster than law it is challenging and difficult to have law. But the need of the hour is to have proactive and dynamic law in India to regulate AI business special comprehensive legislation and regulatory framework will be very beneficial.

In the absence of the law best practices are guide to the businesses entities & self-regulating by promptly following ethical regulations. Like fairness in all transactions irrespective law regulates or not, ethics by design, privacy by law and so on. Especially systems should be designed and developed responsibly, applying the principles of privacy by default and privacy by design are very helpful.  Best practices & ethical practices have a long way to flourish and exploit the AI technology in the absence of law for the betterment of mankind and society as whole.

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* Write up by Team Purple Pursuits, for more details you can reach to us [email protected]

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